Stuff I've Used:

  • Obey Graham
    You'll notice a random quote generator on the bottom left of the browser window when viewing the main page. I stole the idea and part of the code for this from my old college buddy Graham. I even lifted a couple of his better quotes! Go check out his site.

  • Alex Rosen
    This is the guy that built the stretch applet found on "The Rack". Thanks Alex!

  • Conveyor Applets
    This is where the "Countdown Clock" on the Bush episode of "The Rack" came from. Thanks to you too!

  • Flash Kit
    This is a community of professional and amateur Flash developers. I couldn't have completed my Flash intro without all of their help, tutorials, and Q&A. My gratitude especially goes out to the members of this group.

  • Training Tools
    They're loaded with in-depth tutorials on various applications. Their information on Flash 5 was indispensable to me. I owe them as well.

Special Thanks To:

  • Jared Moon
    Creative Consultant; Jared helped tremendously to design some of the pages on including The Amiciary. Look for more collaborative projects from us soon.

  • Various Artists c/o
    In each of the pages where I've used music, there is a link at the very bottom of the page telling you the song title and artist. I do this for two reasons: First, to give musicians their due credit. I have tremendous respect for the creative talent it takes to write a song. The artists listed throughout these pages are some of my favorites, and I think it's important you know who you're listening too. Second, in case you hear something here you like, the link at the bottom of each page will take you directly to AllMusic, where you can research the artist and buy the album that contains that song. There's nothing I hate more than to hear a song I really like and have little or no way to find out who sings it. You won't ever have that problem on my site.

About My Site:

  • In case anyone is interested, I have not used any sort of html-generating application (such as Macromedia's Dreamweaver or Microsoft Front Page) in creating These are fine products, but the whole reason I made my first web page was so that I could learn HTML. Every page throughout this site is pure HTML (which I taught myself) and was written from scratch using only Notepad (uphill both ways, in the snow, etc.). The stuff done in Flash is an exception of course, but I did all that myself too. That's just how bad ass I am. Just keepin' it real.

Music: "Policy of Truth - Depeche Mode"