Acronym Finder - What a random and awesome place this is. You can look up any well known acronym and find out what it stands for... you know, SCUBA, NASA, FUBAR, etc. All Music Guide (AMG) - This is the of music. Any band or musician that you've probably ever heard of (aside from your little brother's garage band) is listed here. It's a great place to go for extensive discographies of most any band, along with tracklists, reviews, and often really obscure and hard-to-find albums. Also useful if you're making sure your band's name isn't already taken. BabelFish Language Translator - Here you can type in a word or a phrase and have it translated between a whole slew of languages including Spanish, German, Japanese, and many more. You can also type in a URL and pick a language and it will take you to that URL, but the text there will all be translated for you! Impress your friends by translating a Korean website. Or not. - Who needs heavy, expensive books? Well... college students. But even if you're in that boat, try this one. It's no hassle. You type in a word at the top of the opening page and bingo! You're smart. DVD Easter Eggs - If you're a movie lover like I am, then by now you surely have a DVD player. This site lists how to get hidden features and secret menus on popular DVD's. Imagine: a hidden 3-d rhino in Gladiator? Believe it. Ideal Copy - This place is great. For a select few genres of music, which I am usually a fan of, they do the work for you in terms of finding the best (most comprehensive, concise, best-sounding) release for a given artist and album. So when you want that remastered re-issue with an extra track and a tacky badge, here's where you go. Internet Movie Database - This is hands-down, the only place to go on the web for information about movies. If it was made anywhere, anyplace, it's listed here. They have movies from the early 1900's through today as well as information about upcoming films. Look up trivia about your favorites as well as full cast and crew details. There are also links to other pages specializing in a particular film, helping you to find downloadable sound/video clips and pictures. It also covers TV shows and crew members (actors, directors, etc.) the same way! I can't say enough about it... I'm telling you. If it ever existed, the movie you're thinking of is here! NetNames - This is the ultimate domain name registration site. You can search to find if the website you want is taken and if so by who and for how long. Ever wonder why my site isn't Find out here. Want to know if is taken? Look it up right here. Reverse Phone Directory - This site allows you to enter a phone number, and it will find the name and/or address corresponding to that number. Where else can you solve that particular need? RhymeZone - Here's a place to go when you're writing a song, poem, or just need something that rhymes to be funny. By the way, if anyone knows some dirty limericks, why don't you email them to me. Thanks! Rhyming Dictionary - Same idea as above. Technical Term Encyclopedia - From TechWeb comes a site where you can look up all those computer buzz words that you hear all the time and don't understand. What does TCP/IP stand for? Look it up here. (Thanks to Tom for this one.) - So, what's another word for thesaurus? Find out here. Just like, type in a word, and it spits out a whole list of synonyms and/or antonyms for you. Tiny URL - This handy site will take a big long URL (say, from a news site), and then give you a much shorter URL that is easier to cut and paste into emails and chat windows. This is especially helpful for Yahoo chat status messages which have a length limit. What The Font? - This uber-handy utility has saved my ass on a few occasions. If you have a picture (say from an ad or a movie poster,etc.) either on your computer or you know the URL of one, you can put it into this site and it will analyze the picture and tell you what font the picture has in it! I find this particularly useful when I'm making a parody of something and I want my font to match the original's perfectly. WordSmith - I ran across this while I was working on some anagrams; it has a great utility for that. You'll also find a couple of other useful areas here. |